Lean Foundation
This course explains why continuous improvement is essential in our working life. It teaches the practical skill to reduce "wastes and hassles" in our daily work, and make meaningful improvements, benefiting employees and the business.
It is highly interactive, fun, and engaging. Many organizations adopt this course as part of their mandatory training and to ensure everyone has the same understanding.
Talk to us to find out why and how this course can be a great instrument in building a continuous improvement culture.
Your first course about Lean
This one-day course is a great induction to the world of Lean. It is designed for process owners and team members who want to learn practical skills and techniques that can help them improve efficiency and productivity in their own workplace.
Who Should Attend
Anyone who is interested in Continuous Improvement and want to learn the basic skill of making improvement.
Learning Objectives
Understand the origins of Lean and the five lean principles.
Recognize eight types of waste in the processes and value streams
Understand how to apply lean principles and tools through simulation
Experience PDCA first-hand
Course Content
Module 1 : Introduction to Lean Principles
Module 2 : Waste Identification & Kaizen
Module 3: Lean Foundation: Workplace Organization
Module 4: Lean Foundation: Mistake Proofing
Module 5: Practice PDCA together

Lean Simualtion Games
Challenge your team to demonstrate their lean skill through a simulation game. It is fun!

Learn together with your team
Leanring together with team members from the same value stream create same learing experiences and common language of improvement.